About Cosmic Throne

Tevin El, Cosmic Throne, is a certified astrologer, specializing in Vedic Astrology. As most people are familiar with Western Astrology, Vedic Astrology is a more ancient practice dealing with 27 constellations within the 12 zodiac signs. The calculations of the planets are based on where they actually are in the sky, rather than 23 degrees ahead. He received his certification from Magha Vedic Academy with Kapiel Raaj as his instructor. This journey began with a simple question, “Who am I?” Determined to find out what this life is really about, he began to study astrology and learn exactly who he is and his divine purpose, why people act the way they act, why certain experiences happen to certain people, and the list goes on and on. With over five years of experience, Tevin dives deep into your natal chart to give you precise clarity on your purpose, relationships, obstacles, and finances. Let's take a look at your higher self through the cosmos and reveal your divine path.


Monthly Transit Reading 

(30 minutes)- $66 

Personality/ Psychological Reading 

(30 minutes)- $79 

Special Instructions: If you will like me to discuss challenges and negative finding, please let me know, and I will come up with specific remedies based on your placements.

Relationship Reading 

(1 hr)- $123 

Special Instructions: If you are GAY, LESBIAN or TRANSGENDER please let me know ahead of time so I know what to look for in terms of your partner. If as a transgender, you are looking for a specific type of gender then please let me know in the email as well. 

Yearly Transit Reading

 (1 hr) - $135 

Wealth/ Prosperity Reading 

(1 hr)-$137 

Special Instructions: Include a sentence or two if you will like about your desire or challenge.

Career Consultation 

(1 hr)- $163 

Special Instructions:Let me know which profession you are in and if you are interested in switching to another. Also include any obstacles you a facing related.

Marriage Consultation 

(1 hr)- $222 

 (Must have the charts of both Partners and CONSENT form each partner. Must already be married)           

Recording $222; 1hr Zoom Meeting $333

Special Instructions: MUST BE CURRENTLY MARRIED. Please confirm that you have consent with the partner for me to engage in this reading.

Chart & Report- $3.33

(Audio and Zoom Options Available)

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